About EOI Steel

At EOI Steel, we are passionately committed to helping you lead a healthier and more beautiful lifestyle in harmony with nature. Our stylish products aim to inspire the community while raising awareness of environmental preservation through their unique craftsmanship – made from only finest sourced materials.

We believe our stainless steel products will encourage better lives for all by uniting us as one sustainable whole!

Why EOI Steel?

We all know that plastic products are not only bad for the environment, but they can also be harmful to our health.

EOI Steel’s products are a great alternative to plastic products.

These stainless steel products are more durable, eco-friendly, and stylish than their plastic counterparts.

Switch to EOI Steel’s stainless steel products today!


Our Product Quality

Strong Material

Our products are crafted with 202 grade stainless steel, ensuring superior durability and weightlessness – ideal for extended use!

BPA Free

We also prioritize safety; every product is made of Tritan material which eliminates bisphenol a compound that can cause health issues like allergies or disorders!

Best Product Design

The final touch comes in the form our ANTI-SLIP base which gives every product added protection against slippage!

Join the mission to help make a positive change for our planet with EOI Steel!


Our Product Range

Strong Material

Experience our exquisite and one-of-a-kind stainless steel collection!

From sleek water bottles to stylish lunch boxes, our exclusive range offers the highest quality products, crafted with the finest raw materials and innovative processes.

Every item is crafted with an unwavering passion for perfection, with even the smallest details receiving the utmost attention.

Trust us, our unyielding dedication to quality means our products are unforgettable and exceptional.

For Enquiry

EOI SA1 - 1000 ML

EOI SB2 - 1000 ML/750 ML

EOI SC3 - 1000 ML

EOI SD4 - 1000 ML

EOI SE5 - 1000/750 ML

EOI SF6 - 1000/ 750 ML

EOI SG7 - 1000 ML

EOI SH8 - 1000 ML

EOI SJ9 - 1000/750 ML

EOI SK10 - 1000 ML

Our Colour Variants

To make sure you’re not accidentally ingesting any harmful toxins from long-term plastic use, stainless steel products provided by EOI Steel are the ideal way to keep your refreshment safe in style.

We understand the crucial importance of reducing single-use plastic to save our environment – that’s why we’re committed to providing eco-friendly alternatives for good health of every family.

Join us in making an environmental impact;
take part in creating cleaner and greener production methods today

What Our Client's Say